Michigan Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Task Force
The Michigan FASD Task Force is a collaboration of self-advocates, family members, disability researchers, and policy makers who come together to address FASD through awareness, prevention, and greater access to services. The mission of the Task Force is to advocate for statewide prevention and treatment. The Task Force is composed of people affected by FASD who are committed to increasing awareness of FASD, improving service delivery systems, decreasing these preventable disorders, and enhancing the quality of life of individuals and families living with FASD. The Task Force strategic action plan includes:
- Supporting the Michigan Coalition for Fetal Alcohol Resources, Education, and Support (MCFARES) to become a Michigan specific and national clearinghouse of information through development of a website
- Increasing the knowledge base of professionals who come into contact with individuals with FASD
- Empowering individuals who have FASD by increasing screening, diagnosis, treatment, intervention, and support
FASD Resources
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Talking Points
- MCFARES FASD Community Page
- MCFARES FASD Diagnostic and Evaluation Resources
- Michigan Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Task Force Action Plan 2016-2018