Public Health and Persons with Disabilities

Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are significantly impacted by health disparities. These disparities often include physical and attitudinal barriers, financial insecurity, and Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). MI-DDI's mission is to contribute to the development of inclusive communities and quality of life for people with disabilities and their families and support staff. This includes supporting equitable access to healthcare. Access to healthcare can mean many things including accessible and informed providers, access to vaccinations, and being able to choose in-person or virtual healthcare appointments (telehealth).

Health Resources

MI-DDI has gathered resources related to health, safety, and self-care for people with disabilities and their families, friends, and caretakers. There are many resources listed below and in the menu on the left side of this page. We hope that you find these useful. If you know of any resources that should be included here, please email with your suggestions.