Program Competencies

Based on the MI-LEND guiding principles and values, the MI-LEND program is designed to provide you with clinical and family-centered learning experiences. The goal is to work with long-term participants to achieve the following skills at the basic or advanced level. We encourage you to click on the MCH Leadership Competencies link below to learn more about these important guiding skills. 

  1. MCH Leadership Competencies (v. 3.0)
  2. Competencies in neurodevelopmental disabilities specific to MI-LEND
  3. Individual discipline competencies

L.I.F.E. Perspectives

MI-LEND is also guided by the L.I.F.E. Perspectives: Leadership, Interdisciplinary, Family-Centered, and Equity. L.I.F.E. guides the path participants take as they complete MI-LEND program training and activities. The full list of L.I.F.E. is found in the table below. For a list of L.I.F.E. in a table-less format, please click on this link.



Family-Professional Partnership


What leadership strengths/styles can I bring to this situation?

What strategies can I use to facilitate creativity, innovation, collaboration, and leadership?

How can I better facilitate learning between the classroom and the workplace?

How can I address identified gaps in the service system?

What tools can be used to avoid or resolve conflicts?

What is my role in identification, assessment, and treatment?

What does each discipline bring to the care of a child and family?

How do disciplines interact as a team?

How can I more effectively communicate with other professionals on my team?

How can we demonstrate respect for other's knowledge and approach to a problem?

Who are the members of the family?

What are their current roles?

How can family strengths be built upon to better support the child with a disability?

How does the family want to engage with professionals?

How can community resources be used to supplement family resources to better support the child?

How can the clinician work as a team with other providers and the family, even across geographic distance?

Who is accessing/ benefiting from our programs? Who is not?

Who is at risk for disparate outcomes in the health system?

What are barriers, differential impacts? What can we do to change that?

Why are some people at greater risk? How can we reach and engage them?

How are our actions relevant to specific populations?

How can we improve our surveillance system and build the ones that collect the data we need?