MI-OCEAN Project Update

Two Hispanic women stand next to a young girl.


Michigan Older Caregivers of Emerging Adults with Autism and other Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (MI-OCEAN), a two-year statewide project funded by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, was completed on June 30, 2021. The MI-OCEAN project focused on improving the health and well-being of aging family caregivers of adults with intellectual disabilities and autism. The project was established to reduce stress, improve health outcomes, and increase the quality of life for the caregivers. Family Support Navigators worked as peers for the project, helping the 103 enrolled caregivers to achieve their individual life goals.


Family Support Navigators Assist with Caregivers' Personal Goals

Each caregiver met with their Family Support Navigator in their home or another designated location in the community. When the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the Navigators' ability to meet a caregiver face to face, changes had to be made to continue the work of the project. Caregiver meetings were convened virtually, via FaceTime, Zoom, Teams and telephone calls. Additionally, MI-OCEAN project staff hosted a monthly Caregiver Support Group meeting, and guest speakers discussed topics such as estate planning, finding a home, self-care, Oakland County Housing Network, HAB waivers, and sibling support groups.

Caregivers often put their own needs after the needs of the person they support. MI-OCEAN gave them an opportunity to focus on personal goals they wanted to accomplish. At the first meeting with their Navigator, caregivers identified a long and short term goal that could be accomplished within six months. Caregivers selected goals that focused on improving their health, reducing stress, and learning self-care skills. The Navigator encouraged them by checking in on their progress and offering ideas and resources when there were challenges. Common long term goals centered on finding housing for their loved one with a disability, building a circle of support, or financial planning. Short term goals were individualized and included a caregiver that wanted to sell his art on the internet, starting a garden, trying yoga, taking a French class, and starting a book club.


MI-OCEAN Data Analysis

Caregivers completed a pre- and post-assessment to determine if MI-OCEAN participation had a positive impact on their health and quality of life. The MI-OCEAN research team is currently analyzing the data, which will be included in future MI-DDI newsletters. Early analysis indicates that caregivers experienced an increase in social support from their Family Support Navigator and that they felt less isolated because of participation in the project.

Caregiver Support Groups will continue, and anyone who is a caregiver of an adult with a disability may join the group. The meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of every other month, starting in September from 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. ET. Check back on the MI-DDI events webpage for a list of upcoming topics.


MI-OCEAN Participant Testimonials

"I have really appreciated participating in the MI-OCEAN project. Carolyn, our Family Support Navigator, got me organized and helped me focus on my goals, for myself and my grandson who lives with me. She is great, and I look forward to working with her. I have used many of the excellent resources she has shared, especially on planning for the future."
- Suzanne Lynch (Grand Blanc, Michigan)

"I have an adult son with Down Syndrome living with me. My Family Support Navigator talks me through some challenges and helps me problem solve. Julia gets our lives; she understands, and she has gone above and beyond what she has to do. She also has provided a lot of good resources, and if I need her, I feel comfortable reaching out to her. I also appreciated the monthly Caregiver Support Group meetings, and the topics are useful to me. I believe the MI-OCEAN project understands families who have adult children with disabilities and is looking out for our best interest."
- JoAnn Gorgee (Detroit, Michigan)