June Malachowski

June Malachowski

Research Assistant


June Malachowski



2014 B.S.W. Marygrove College


2015 M.S.W. Wayne State University


 Research Support:

Ongoing Research Support

National Core Indicators Survey-Michigan (2015 to present)

This survey examines statewide and national outcome measures that can be used to track the performance of developmental disabilities service systems in efforts to strengthen long-term care to individuals and their families. Outcome measures include choice, community inclusion, employment, self-determination, satisfaction, relationships, service coordination, access to services, health and wellness, respect and rights, and safety. 

Role: NCI Project Coordinator 


Michigan Alliance for Families, The Arc Michigan-Educational Advocacy (2015-present)

The goal of this project is to provide educational advocacy to families of chuldren who have disabilities in order to support inclusion, attain appropriate education, and progress toward educational goals. 

Role: Principal Investigator


Completed Research Support 

Emergency Preparedness (2016)

The project had two emergency planning goals: 1) to train people with disabilities, their caregivers and family members in what to expect in an emergency situation by having them make a plan to keep with them and in their home that will enhanceintercation with first responders ; and 2) to increase disability awareness in first responders, emergency personnel, and volunteers.

Role: Project Coordinator

Professional Memberships & Honors

 Professional Memberships:

Group facilitator, Dominion Family Services (2009-2011)

BSW intern-Case Manager, NOAH Project (2013-2014)

MSW intern-Urban Neighborhood Initiatives (2014-2015)

Michigan Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Taskforce (2015-present) 

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