Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute
The Institute's mission is to contribute to the development of inclusive communities and quality of life for people with disabilities and their families. We do this through a culturally-sensitive, statewide program of training and education, community support and services, research, and sharing of information. The Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute is one of 68 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) nationally.
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- MDisability’s Disability Health Elective and MI-LEND bolster medical students’ knowledge of how to care for patients with disabilities
- MI-DDI's MVP Project work featured on episode of "Equal Dose" Podcast
- Michigan Public Health Institute spotlights MI-DDI Research Technician
- National Disability Employment Awareness Month: Seeing Endless Possibilities
- MI-DDI annouces restart of podcast with episode on Waskul et al. v. Washtenaw County CMH et al. case
- More events