ACTION NEEDED: DD Council Impacted by Proposed Partnerships for Innovation, Inclusion, and Independence
Date: August 4th, 2017
The Administration on Community Living (ACL), our Federal funder, is requiring all public comments on The Partnerships for Innovation, Inclusion, and Independence (P3I) proposal be submitted by Friday, August 11, 2017. If implemented as written, P3I would eliminate DD Councils, State Independent Living Councils, and Traumatic Brain Injury Programs as they currently exist. It would combine the existing functions of these very different programs while cutting $57 million from the combined budget.
Why is this proposal a problem?
What are we asking the ACL to do?
In addition to sharing your unique and important story, we would like you to ask the Administration to slow this process down! Before making such a sweeping change in the only organization in our state that is providing the services and projects listed above, the affected community (YOU!) should have more than a couple of weeks to respond and comment.
Additionally, many people in Michigan do not have access to the internet or do not use a computer. Therefore, we have no way to quickly get this information out. We also do not have time to translate this opportunity into additional languages.
EVERYONE who wishes to participate in this important process needs to submit their public comment or post a video of yourself speaking about the DD Council by Friday, August 11, to the following link: P3l-comments@acl.hhs.2ov
Click on the button below to read Michigan Development Disabilities Council's full letter that highlights why proposal is problematic, and some of the projects, services and policies which have been successfully implemented, in part, by the strong role the Michigan DD Council has played.