Michigan Vaccination Partners (MVP)

A blue ribbon with the words Michigan Vaccination Partners in the circle with a blue syringe logo next to it. At the bottom is written healthy communities for all.

We partner to improve equity and access to vaccinations and other health care services.


Who We Are: The Autism Alliance of MichiganDisability Rights Michigan, and the Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute (MI-DDI) each received COVID-19 Supplement IV grants to ensure greater equity and access to vaccinations for people disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Our organizations have joined together to optimize the collective impact of our funding.

View and download the MVP informational flyer



Most Valuable provider logo. The outline of a shield with a blue medical cross and wheelchair icon in the middle.

Our vision is to create healthy communities for all.

To achieve this vision and sustain our efforts long-term, we are inviting health providers to become a Most Valuable Provider (MVP). MVPs offer vaccination and health clinic experiences that are accessible and welcoming to all people across Michigan, including people with disabilities.




American Public Health Association (APHA) Features MVP



Why is MVP Needed?

  • Disability is Common: 1 in 4 adults  in the United States has a disability.
  • People with Disabilities Experience Health Disparities: including higher rates of diabetes, stroke, COPD, cancer, and depression compared to those without disabilities.
  • People with Disabilities are Disproportionately Affected by COVID: People with disabilities were 6x more likely to die from COVID-19 than those without disabilities.
  • People with Disabilities Experience Barriers to Adequate Health Care Including:
    • Attitudinal: Ableism, stereotyping, stigma, and discrimination.
    • Physical: Obstacles that prevent access or block mobility such as curbs and steps.
    • Transportation: Lack of adequate and accessible transportation.
    • Social determinants of health: Including lack of affordable and accessible housing, and lower rates of employment, education, and income.
  • Lack of Disability Data Perpetuates Disparities: We measure what we treasure.
    • Data collection is a  fundamental pillar of  public health.
    • Inaccurate/inadequate data can misguide public health responses.
    • We can't show how we are moving the needle on disparities without disability status.


Sources: Disability, Health Equity & COVID-19, https://nihcm.org/publications/disability-health-equity. Published Sept 21, 2021. MDHHS Guidelines & Best Practices for Accessibility at Michigan Vaccination Sites. Updated May 11, 2021.


MVP project staff stand next to the Wayne Health Mobile Unit van. The MVP logo is on the van next to the group.

In the News.


For More Information

If you have questions about MVP or how your agency or department can become MVP Certified, please contact middi@wayne.edu.

Green and blue text reads Autism Alliance of Michigan. Above the text is an abstract image of a bridge.

Navy blue text reads, Disabilities Rights Michigan. The text is next to a navy blue image of a sun over waves.

The letters, M, I, D, D, and I are next to text that reads, Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute.



Funding for this project is provided through the COVID-19 Vaccination Supplement 4 by Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) through the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) and is supported through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, P.L. 116-260 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, P.L. 117-2.