Michigan Developmental Disabilities Network

About the Developmental Disabilities Act

"The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) is the fundamental law supporting and enhancing the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families. The goal of the act is to 'assure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion in all facets of community life.' The DD Act authorizes three programs that operate in each state and territory (UCEDD, DD Councils, and PADD) known as the DD Network." (Association of University Centers on Disabilities, 2011)

Learn about the Developmental Disabilities Act in a plain language document from Association of University Centers on Disabilities.


Image Description: UCEDD Resource Center A project of AUCD, in partnership with AIDD, to strengthen and support the network of the UCEDDS Title: The DD Act directs the DD Network Partners to collectively promote Community Integration Clockwise Text : UCEDDSs University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Picture of an outline of United States of America with the words 1 or more in every US state and territory Provide interdisciplinary pre-service preparation Perform community services and training o Conduct research, evaluations, and information dissemination Text: DD Council Developmental Disabilities Picture of an outline of United States of America with the words 1 or more in every US state and territory Understanding system barriers Working with stakeholders to achieve enduring change Empowering advocates Text: P&As Protection & Advocacy Picture of an outline of United States of America with the words 1 or more in every US state and territory Monitor and investigate conditions in facilities that care for people with disabilities Provide legal representation to people with disabilities Ensure equal access to life in the community Center image Circle with a house and accessible sign and a graph that shows the ranges of the Annual Average populations (25,000-275,000) of Large State ID/IDD facilities, 1960-2010. Bottom of image AUCD Logo: AUCD Ball with the text Association of University Centers on Disabilities, Research, Education, Service Sources: Residential Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Stories and Trends Through 2010 By Sharon Larson, Amanda Ryan, Patricia Salmi, Drew Smith and Allson Wururio Research and Training Center on Community Living, Institute on Community Integration UCEDD , College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota


As Michigan's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), MI-DDI works in partnership with the Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council and Disability Rights Michigan. Together, the three organizations serve on boards, participate in panels, and collaborate on projects in order to advocate for the needs and civil rights of people with disabilities. Learn more about our two partner organizations below.

The letters M i D D C are in different colors with an outline of the state of Michigan place over the top of the second letter D. the words Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council are underneath the letters.

Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council

The Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council (DD Council) is a group of 21 Michigan citizens. Members are appointed to the Council by the governor. They come from across the state and are: 

  • people with disabilities;  
  • family members, mentors, guardians and advocates of people with disabilities; and  
  • professionals from state and local agencies who assist people with developmental disabilities. 

Members operate the Council by providing advice and consent to its committees and staff. People throughout Michigan depend on the DD Council getting results, and its members work diligently on behalf of those people. The DD Council's mission is to support people with developmental disabilities to achieve life dreams. The Council wants all citizens of Michigan to have the opportunities and supports to achieve their life hopes and choices, as well as to live self-determined and self-directed lives in a diverse and inclusive community. Learn more about the DD Council.


Text description: Disability Rights Michigan is in dark blue text next to a dark blue circle and two squiggly lines running through it.

Disability Rights Michigan

Disability Rights Michigan (DRM) is an advocacy organization who serves individuals with disabilities. DRM staff include attorneys and advocates who are dedicated to advancing the human and civil rights of individuals with disabilities. DRM provides free and confidential services and has broad access authority to monitor institutions and advocate for people with disabilities who live in them. DRM is independent of state government and is not connected to service providers or facilities. As a private, nonprofit, and nonpartisan organization, funded by Federal, state, and private grants and donations, DRM serves the entire state of Michigan. Learn more about DRM's programs and services.