Professional & Provider Training
To request any of the training listed below, or to request training on topics not listed here, please click the link below to submit the MI-DDI Training Request Form.
Disability Awareness Training for First Responders
- Disability Awareness Training for First Responders provides training that highlights the needs and unique situations that individuals with disabilities have and how these needs can be critical during times of emergency and/or natural disasters
Empowerment Education Training for Direct Support Professionals (CEUs)
- Empower Education Training for Michigan Direct Support Professionals (DSP) is an initiative that provides training for DSPs in several areas such as conflict resolution, self-determination, and how to work with other professionals.
- Continuing Education Credits: Several of the Empowerment Education modules carry Social Work and/or Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professional (QIDP) continuing education credits. Contact Empowerment Education Director Elizabeth Janks at if you have questions about the availability of these credits.
- Training can be done in person or online.
- Visit the Empowerment Education page to review the list of training modules currently available.
Emergency Preparedness Training for Persons with Disabilities, Care Takers, and Family Members
- Being prepared for emergencies such as fires and natural disasters can be the difference bewteen life and death.
- This preparedness is essential for individuals with disabilities, their families, and their caretakers.
- This training provides information and tools that can be put into place to aid individuals with disabilities in times of emergency.
- Contact Elizabeth Janks ( to learn more about this training.
MVP Disability Training For Healthcare Workers (CEC and CME credits)
- The Most Valuable Providers (MVP) initiative is a collaborative effort between multiple
agencies and organizations across Michigan. The aim is to ensure greater access to healthcare services and resources for persons with disabilities.
- A large part of this project involves training healthcare workers and frontline staff on best practices when working with individuals with disabilituies and their families.
- Continuing Educating Credits: MVP training modules also carry 1.5 Continuing Education Credits (CEC) by the Michigan Association of Social Workers and 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
- To learn more and complete MVP online training visit:
Plain Language Training Module: An Introduction
- This web-based training provides an intriduction to writing in "Plain Language".
- It is meant for professionals, and anyone else who writes or creates materials for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- You can complete this self-paced training anytime by clicking the link below:
Self-Determination & Person Centered Planning
- Self-Determination: Getting a Good Life
- Advancing Self-Determination Through Peer-to-Peer Supports
- Person Centered Planning (Two-Part Training)
- Self-Determination and Person-Centered Planning: Building a Successful Future for People with Disabilities
- Family Support Navigator Training
- Community Liaison: Parent Mentor Training
- What You Should Know About Community Living (Transition from Group Homes)
- Steps to Becoming an Effective Advocate
- Leaders in Policy Advocacy: Self-Determination
- Self-Advocacy and Family Support